Monday, September 17, 2007
-> i think i did nothing to deserve such
good friends,
Mushroom, Gorilla, Hantu and some
LV prada,
its those
friends forever thingy.

see, thats what i mean.
Friends Forever :D
QIWEI @ 4:12 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
2o4 seriously is the shit in my butt.feel like shitting them all out and flushed them down the toilet bowl and get trapped in the sewage system forever and ever.
the last three words made me think of the winnie the pooh song. ha!
i know its irrelevant. :D
-> "mr seow looks and behaves like an oversize baby."
you know, its so true.
nothing against him, just really prefer willy wong.
-> got our leaps point.
21! hahas :D
-> a very happy birthday to my dearest friend, veronica.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!-> to qiling:
Your heart just breaks, that's all.
But you can't judge, or point fingers.
You just have to be lucky enough to find someone who appreciates you
-> we're still friendsjust that i dont really know if we can ever be that close again.its nothing about youits just the tinge of anger still in me.
its my bad, im sorry.
QIWEI @ 2:11 AM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
-> oh so fast, tomorrow's sunday.
nine sep, happy birthday
-> ha! my specs broke, i've got contacts.
my specs fixed, i still have contacts. :D
but i hate wearing it, my specs line is so damn obvious. hoohoo
i tried to bake the egg tarts.
forgot to take it out. hahas. so now its chao-ta. LOLS
got scolded by mummy. i put too much filling and it overflow. wahahas. its a bad experience. >.<
-> spent four hours in mos playing the four games. hahas. so fun!
-> went bukit view yesterday. so funny.
took some pictures on the way home with xiaoling and hamizan. then saw zihui and jieying and took with them too. hees
i shall post the pics someday later (:
i wish korkor all the best in army :D
QIWEI @ 2:43 AM
Sunday, September 02, 2007
-> its one of my very boring days with nothing to blog about. whatever, i have nothing to do right now. bah!
-> finish the whole book yesterday. its sicked alright. some more its a true life story.
i wonder why both the parents isnt dead. i'd have killed them to make me feel happier. damn.
how can the father rape his own daughter for eight years and still live till eighty years old with only 4 damn year of imprisonment! OMG! and the mother suck as well ok. she knew what her husband was doing but refuse to stop it from happening, fearing that it might bring their happy family life to an end.
oh please
its a fustrating book.
-> oh ya! went back to admiralty even though i said i wont be going back. hahas. couldnt reject kim and sien eh? lols
stupid ye lao shi. always do this kind of stupid things. hur
den went kiakia with sien. etc etc :D
and and and! zijian's sideburns is disgusting ok! wahahas
-> i lost my progress report. so sad
but since i lost it in the house, theres still chances that its still there, provided its not thrown away yet. ha!
QIWEI @ 7:03 PM